Earth economics studies the economy of our planet from the perspective of an autarkic system (a “closed economy”). It ignores the constituent national and regional parts of the planet economy and focuses on the whole. The book respects the heritages of IS/LM (Keynes) and neoclassical growth (Solow) not out of economic respect but because these tools are very useful in understanding the crisis and the policy response to that crisis.
Thursday, December 14, 2017
World Inequality Report 2018
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
World Economics: Making Data Measurement Errors Transparent: The Case of the IMF
In 1950 Morgenstern pointed out that absolute precision and certainty are impossible in economic observations, but estimates are often hampered by a substantial degree of measurement error. Unlike the natural sciences, economists in general do not report measurement errors for the key concepts such as prices, value or production that it seeks to define, measure and explain. For most macroeconomic concepts two approaches are available: the Implicit Minimal Measurement Error and the Maximum Ratio.
Studying different vintages of the IMF World Economic Outlook data base it was found that the estimates on average have an implicit minimal measurement error of 4.3% and maximum ratio of 17.9%. An agenda is proposed for removing disincentives (creating incentives) for stakeholders (academics, data collectors and producers) since reporting measurement error will result in better research, better policy and ultimately better data.
Making Data Measurement Errors Transparent: The Case of the IMF in World Economics
Studying different vintages of the IMF World Economic Outlook data base it was found that the estimates on average have an implicit minimal measurement error of 4.3% and maximum ratio of 17.9%. An agenda is proposed for removing disincentives (creating incentives) for stakeholders (academics, data collectors and producers) since reporting measurement error will result in better research, better policy and ultimately better data.
Making Data Measurement Errors Transparent: The Case of the IMF in World Economics
Friday, October 20, 2017
Cryptocurrencies that are money
MORTEN L. BECH, Bank for International
Settlements (BIS) - Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures
Email: morten.bech@bis.org
RODNEY GARRATT, University of California Santa Barbara
Email: garratt@ucsb.edu
Email: morten.bech@bis.org
RODNEY GARRATT, University of California Santa Barbara
Email: garratt@ucsb.edu
cryptocurrencies are emerging almost daily, and many interested parties are
wondering whether central banks should issue their own versions. But what might
central bank cryptocurrencies (CBCCs) look like and would they be useful? This
feature provides a taxonomy of money that identifies two types of CBCC - retail
and wholesale - and differentiates them from other forms of central bank money
such as cash and reserves. It discusses the different characteristics of CBCCs
and compares them with existing payment options.
Book pp. 73-74
Monday, August 21, 2017
SDGs and income inequality
The new global targets for development, the Sustainabe Development Goals, do not consider income inequality although the SDGs pay some lip service. This new and exciting edited volume published by Edward Elgar provides an overview of the state of the art, including the often forgotten issue of how to measure progress regarding a more inclusive development of Earth
Friday, August 4, 2017
earnings inequality 1970-2015
University - Department of Economics, Research Institute of Industrial
Economics (IFN)
Email: olle.hammar@nek.uu.se
DANIEL WALDENSTRÖM, Uppsala University - Department of Economics, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
Email: daniel.waldenstrom@nek.uu.se
Email: olle.hammar@nek.uu.se
DANIEL WALDENSTRÖM, Uppsala University - Department of Economics, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
Email: daniel.waldenstrom@nek.uu.se
We estimate trends in global earnings dispersion
across occupational groups using a new database covering 66 developed and
developing countries between 1970 and 2015. Our main finding is that global
earnings inequality has declined, primarily during the 2000s, when the global
Gini coefficient dropped nearly 10 points and the earnings share of the world's
poorest half doubled. Decomposition analyses emphasize the role of income
convergence between poor and rich countries and that earnings have become more similar
within occupations in traded industries. Sensitivity checks show that the
results are robust to varying real exchange rates, inequality measures and
population definitions.
Book pp. 67-71
Global factors and inflation
Inflation: The Role of Food, Housing and Energy Prices"
ECB Working Paper No. 2024
Reserve Bank of New Zealand
Text: https://ssrn.com/abstract=2923137
This paper studies the role of global factors in causing common movements in
consumer price inflation, with particular focus on the food, housing and energy
sub-indices. It uses a comprehensive dataset of 223 countries and territories
collected from national and international sources. Global factors explain a
large share of the variance of national inflation rates for advanced countries ─
and more generally those with greater GDP per capita, financial development and
central bank transparency ─ but not for middle and low income countries.
factors explain a large share of the variance in food and energy prices.
Book, pp. 29-32
Global data shadow economy 1991-2015
"Shadow Economies Around the
World: New Results for 158 Countries Over 1991-2015"
CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6430
CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6430
Washington University - Department of Economics, International Monetary Fund
(IMF) - Western Hemisphere Department
Email: leandrom@gwu.edu
FRIEDRICH SCHNEIDER, Johannes Kepler University Linz - Department of Economics, CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute for Economic Research), Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)
Email: friedrich.schneider@jku.at
Email: leandrom@gwu.edu
FRIEDRICH SCHNEIDER, Johannes Kepler University Linz - Department of Economics, CESifo (Center for Economic Studies and Ifo Institute for Economic Research), Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA)
Email: friedrich.schneider@jku.at
Using the MIMIC method, this paper is a first attempt
to estimate the size of the shadow economy of 158 countries over the period
1991 up to 2015. In addition to performing a variety of robustness tests, this
paper explicitly addresses endogeneity concerns to the use of GDP as cause and
indicator, by using the light intensity approach as an indicator variable as
proxy for the size of the economy. Results suggest that the average size of the
shadow economy of these 158 countries over 1991-2015 is 32.5% of official GDP,
which was 34.82% in 1991 and decreased to 30.66% in 2015.
Book p. 21
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
What is the World Bank Good for? Global Public Goods and Global Institutions
is the World Bank Good for? Global Public Goods and Global Institutions"
CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP12090

CEPR Discussion Paper No. DP12090
RAVI KANBUR, Cornell University,
Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), IZA Institute of Labor Economics
Email: sk145@cornell.edu
Email: sk145@cornell.edu
World Bank is in the doldrums, or worse. The Global Public Goods (GPGs)
argument is often put forward as a way of reviving and even rescuing an
institution whose financial base to support conventional sovereign loans is
receding sharply relative to needs and competition from other sources. The
World Bank does have certain advantages as an institution, which the global
community could use to address GPG issues. It has technical excellence and convening
power to help build consensus on a range of GPG issues, although this cannot be
fully realized without radical reform of its governance structures. It has
experience with managing concessional and grant resources, which will be
central to financing GPG mechanisms. And it also has experience with country
operations to implement the country specific dimensions of GPG mechanisms. That
is what the World Bank is good for now, three quarters of a century after its
Book: Chapter 13
Friday, January 6, 2017
Global Financial Safity Net 1960-2015
Do We Know About the Global Financial Safety Net? A New Comprehensive Data
CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6184

CESifo Working Paper Series No. 6184
BEATRICE D. SCHEUBEL, European Central
Bank (ECB), Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich - Center for Economic
Studies (CES)
Email: scheubel@lmu.de
LIVIO STRACCA, European Central Bank (ECB)
Email: Livio.Stracca@ecb.europa.eu
Email: scheubel@lmu.de
LIVIO STRACCA, European Central Bank (ECB)
Email: Livio.Stracca@ecb.europa.eu
paper critically reviews the theoretical basis for the provision of the global
financial safety net (GFSN) and provide a comprehensive database covering four
elements of the GFSN (foreign exchange reserves, IMF financing, central bank
swap lines and regional financing arrangements) for over 150 countries in the
sample period 1960-2015. This paper also presents some key stylised facts
regarding the provision of GFSN financing and compares macroeconomic outcomes
in capital flow reversal episodes depending on how much GFSN financing was
available to countries. Finally, this paper concludes with some avenues for
further research on the possible evolution of the GFSN.
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